In the world of home cooking secrets, there’s a particularly delightful recipe that allows you to make an impressive 1.5 kg of cheese from just 1 liter of milk. This might sound impossible, but with the right technique and a little culinary magic, it’s entirely achievable. This method is perfect for anyone who loves the idea of creating rich, homemade cheese with minimal ingredients.

Understanding the Magic Behind the Recipe

Typically, producing a large quantity of cheese from a small amount of milk doesn’t seem feasible because traditional cheese-making yields are much lower. However, this special recipe maximizes the volume through the addition of a few key ingredients that help bulk up the final product without compromising taste or texture.


  • 1 liter of whole milk

  • 200 grams of plain yogurt (to increase the mass and add cultures)

  • 2 tablespoons of white vinegar (to separate the curds and whey)

  • 1 teaspoon of salt (for seasoning)

  • 50 grams of unsalted butter (to enrich the cheese)


  1. Prepare the Milk: Pour the milk into a large pot and warm it gently on the stove. Heat the milk to just below boiling, around 85°C (185°F), which is the ideal temperature for cheese making.

  2. Add Yogurt: Mix in the plain yogurt thoroughly with the warm milk. The yogurt introduces additional dairy content and cultures, increasing the yield and contributing to the cheese’s flavor and texture.

  3. Curdle the Milk: Add the white vinegar to the milk and yogurt mixture while stirring gently. The milk should begin to curdle immediately, separating into curds and whey.

  4. Season: Sprinkle in the salt, adjusting the quantity to your taste preferences, and stir gently to combine.

  5. Drain the Curds: Line a colander with cheesecloth and place it over a large bowl. Pour the curdled milk mixture into the colander, allowing the whey to drain away.

  6. Add Butter: While the curds are still warm, add the unsalted butter. Mix well until the butter is completely incorporated. This not only adds flavor but also increases the weight of the cheese, contributing to the surprisingly high yield.

  7. Press and Shape: Gather the corners of the cheesecloth, twist the top to secure, and press the cheese to shape it while squeezing out excess liquid. Let it sit under a weight for a few hours to form and solidify.

  8. Chill and Enjoy: Once pressed and shaped, wrap your cheese in fresh cheesecloth and refrigerate it for a few hours to set. After it has firmed up, it’s ready to be sliced and enjoyed.

Serving Suggestions

This homemade cheese is versatile and delicious. Enjoy it sliced with crackers and fruit, grated over pasta, or simply savored by itself. The rich buttery notes make it a delightful addition to any cheese board.


This incredible recipe shows that with a bit of ingenuity, you can create a large amount of delicious homemade cheese from just a liter of milk. It’s a great way to impress family and friends with your DIY skills in the kitchen while enjoying the fruits of your labor in a variety of tasty dishes.