Have you ever wondered how to make your own cheese at home? It might sound like a complicated task, but with this quick and easy recipe from an Italian grandmother, you can create delicious homemade cheese in just 10 minutes using just vinegar and milk. This recipe is perfect for anyone looking for a simple, delightful way to impress at the dinner table or add a personal touch to their cooking.

The Magic of Vinegar and Milk

Combining vinegar and milk might not sound like the typical start to cheese-making, but this unlikely pair works wonders. The acidity in vinegar causes the milk to curdle, separating the curds (which become the cheese) from the whey. The result is a soft, fresh cheese that’s surprisingly versatile and utterly delicious.

Ingredients You’ll Need:

  • 1 liter of whole milk (the fresher, the better)

  • 2 tablespoons of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar

  • A pinch of salt (optional)

  • Herbs or spices for flavoring (optional, such as garlic powder, fresh herbs, or black pepper)

Steps to Make Your Own Cheese:

  1. Heat the Milk: Pour the milk into a large saucepan and slowly heat it on the stove over medium heat. Watch the milk closely, stirring occasionally to prevent it from scorching. You want to heat it to just before boiling, around 185-190°F (85-88°C).

  2. Add Vinegar: Once the milk is hot, add the vinegar and stir gently. You’ll see the milk begin to curdle immediately. Let it sit for a minute or two as the curds fully separate from the whey.

  3. Drain the Curds: Line a colander with a few layers of cheesecloth and place it over a bowl. Carefully pour the milk mixture into the colander, letting the whey drain away. The curds that remain in the cheesecloth are your cheese.

  4. Season the Cheese: While the cheese is still in the cheesecloth and slightly warm, you can add a pinch of salt and any other seasonings you like. This is the perfect time to mix in some herbs or spices to customize your cheese.

  5. Press and Chill: Gather the corners of the cheesecloth and gently squeeze to remove any excess whey. You can press it under a small weight for a few minutes if you prefer a firmer cheese. Once done, unwrap your cheese and transfer it to a container. Refrigerate if not consuming immediately.

Serving Suggestions

Your homemade cheese can be enjoyed in many ways:

  • Spread on crackers or bread with a drizzle of honey or olive oil.

  • Crumbled over salads or used as a topping for soups.

  • Added to omelets or pasta dishes for a creamy texture.


Making cheese at home might seem like a gourmet feat, but with this quick and simple method, it’s incredibly easy. This delightful recipe not only brings a piece of Italian culinary tradition into your kitchen but also offers the satisfaction of creating something delicious and unique with your own hands. Enjoy the process and your delicious homemade cheese!