Hey everyone! Today, we’re diving into the world of DIY cleaning with two simple recipes using everyday items you probably already have at home. Let’s get started!

Recipe 1: All-Purpose Lemon Cleaner

To begin, gather lemon peels, vinegar, and baking soda. Yes, the same baking soda from your kitchen! In a blender, mix the peels or leftover pulp from four lemons with 500 ml of water. Blend thoroughly.

Once mixed, strain the solution using a sieve into another container. Discard the residue and keep the liquid. Now, add a tablespoon of baking soda and mix well. Grab your dish soap—three tablespoons should do the trick. Mix again. For the finishing touch, add six tablespoons of rubbing alcohol and stir vigorously.

Transfer your blend into a spray bottle or any container of your choice, and voila! This mixture is a fantastic cleaner and degreaser. Whether it’s stone surfaces, sinks, or even the microwave, it leaves everything shining. Go ahead, try it out!

Recipe 2: Glass Cleaner Magic

For our second recipe, grab your trusty dish soap (four tablespoons), any type of alcohol (three tablespoons), and baking soda (two tablespoons). Mix it thoroughly.

Now, where to use this mix? It’s a superb glass cleaner! Perfect for car windows, bathroom mirrors, or any glass surface. Apply with a sponge, wipe off excess, and watch it instantly sparkle.

And that’s it! Two easy and effective DIY cleaning solutions for a spotless home. Tell us in the comments which recipe you liked the most – the first or the second? Sending hugs your way, stay blessed, and catch you in the next article. Goodbye!